Photos submitted by our members and others interested in Chandler genealogy have been arranged into several collections:

  • Chandler Gatherings, featuring photos of modern-day Chandler family groups
  • Chandler Graves, featuring photos of historic Chandler graves
  • Chandler Memories, a collection of photos of long-ago Chandler reunions, family groups and locations
  • Chandler Sightings, an exhibit of photos and descriptions of Chandler-related signs and sites around the world
  • St. Margaret’s Church in London, baptismal location of John Chandler of Jamestown, plus surrounding landmarks
  • St. Peter’s Parish Church in New Kent County, Virginia – the church of both Martha Dandridge Custiss Washington and Robert Chandler, grandson of John Chandler born 1600

More photographs can be seen on the CFA Meetings pages, beginning with our first annual meeting in 1991. We do not have photographs from 1993, 1999, and 2000 meetings. If you can provide one from any of those years, please send it to Jim at .

Visit the Chandler Links pages to see our large collection of links to Chandler-related websites. We have links to Chandler research, cemeteries, people, places, and collections of photos that are available on the internet.

Your submissions make our web site better, and we solicit your photos and informaton for these pages in part Another way you can participatee web site is to submit your lineage for our Members/Lineages pages, taking your place among your Chandler cousins or beginning an entirely new Chandler line. To submit photos or information to the web site, email Jim at .