Site Index

10 Ways You Can Support the CFA
About The Chandler Family Association
Annual Meetings

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2012 / 2011 /2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 /


Awards, Recognition & Affiliations
By-Laws & Constitution
CFA Jim Reeves Library
CFALD (Chandler Family Association Lineages Database) 

Verified Descendants Trees (4-Gen Project)

Unknown Family

Translated Chandler Bibles

Chandler Name
Chandlers to Virginia 1610-1700 by Joseph Barron Chandler, Jr.
Chanler Name – Variation of Chandler

  • Chapter 3
    Descendants of Richard Chandler born VA USA? 1751
  • Chapter 8
    Descendants of:
    Robert Chawner born 1590 Leicestershire ENG
    Robert Chandler born 1775 North Carolina USA
  • Chapter 13
    Descendants of Edmund Chandler of Duxbury, MA, a member of the same Separatist congregation as the Mayflower Pilgrims but arrived later, c. 1630.
  • Chapter 18
    Descendants of:
    Daniel Chandler born c 1659 Surrey ENG
    George Chandler born c 1680 Sussex ENG
    John Chandler born c 1682 Middlesex ENG
    Benjamin Chandler born c 1763 Hampshire ENG
    Thomas Chandler born c 1770 Hampshire ENG
    Thomas Chandler born c 1779 Hampshire ENG
Contact Us
DNA Project


Facebook – CFA Group

You will have to join Facebook in order to view the page. This is a social
networking site only. The Facebook page will not replace this web site.
You will not miss any official CFA communications by not visiting Facebook.


Friends of the CFA Jim Reeves Library
Gallery (Photos)

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2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 1991-2003


History of The Chandler Family Association
Library (CFA Jim Reeves Library)

Lineages Database (CFALD)

Members & Their Lineage
Membership – Join the Chandler Family Association
Merchandise – CFA Highlighters, Mugs, Pens, T-Shirts and more

  • News releases and promotional materials
  • Link to our website with a CFA logo

  • CFA Newsletter CD – all 3 volumes and more!
  • CFA Newsletters, Volumes I, II & III (1992-2005)
  • CFA Newsletter, published 3 times yearly

    If you are, or know of, a prospective member of The Chandler Family Association who would like to receive one complimentary issue of our Newsletter, please contact Claudia at .Claudia Brocato at Chandler Family Association dot org









Reunions – See Annual Meetings
10 Ways You Can Support the CFA
The Chandlery – Order CFA publications and merchandise

Town Crier – News, updates and announcements
Update your address – email or postal – Helen Chandler at Chandler Family Association dot org
Website Information
Young Chandler Descendants